
As we proudly celebrate three decades of educational excellence, we’re thrilled to embark on a special journey of giving back – “30 Acts of Kindness.” Our commitment to nurturing not only bright minds but compassionate hearts remains at the forefront.

Why “30 Acts of Kindness”?

In honor of our 30th anniversary, we’re undertaking 30 impactful acts of kindness to spread joy, unity, and goodwill throughout our beloved community.

Join Us on this Journey!

Whether you’re a student, parent, alum, or staff member, we invite you to be a part of this celebration of kindness. Stay tuned for updates on our ongoing acts and consider participating in creating a brighter future together.

Share Your Acts of Kindness

We believe in the power of collective goodness. Share your acts of kindness with us on Social Media using #LakecrestKindness and inspire others to join in!

Thank you for 30 years of unwavering support. Here’s to setting the stage for a brighter, more compassionate future together!