Lakecrest offers an engaging and strenuous academic program and we challenge the most highly able learners.

Enrichment is built into the design of daily lessons at all grade levels. We are required to teach the provincial curriculum outcomes set by the Department of Education of Newfoundland and Labrador; however, we strive to exceed those criteria by enriching the curriculum to bring out the best in our very able student learners. From our full-day Kindergarten program through to our Grade Nine program (including the opportunity to complete some first-year high school credits) we work to challenge every student to the full extent of his or her capability.
Our standardized test scores over the years are one measure which shows that our students are exceeding provincial and national norms in all subject areas.
In standardized tests which correlate well with similar measures in the United States and the United Kingdom, our students have excelled as a group. Over the years, Lakecrest students have consistently scored from 25% – 35% above the national average. The following text below expands further on the curriculum by going into more detail on the various core subject areas Lakecrest students are expected to excel in.
Accurate and high-level language skills allow individuals to exert control over their lives. Through reading, children deepen and extend their experiences, add to their knowledge about the world, and escape into other worlds. They learn how language is used in different kinds of discourse. The Language Arts program will focus on the development of strong communication skills.